A Copy of Our Contract
Article I.
This article will pertain to the specific event in which All Out DJs is doing. For example, if it was a school dance, it would tell them how many dances they are interested in doing, and the agreed upon price of that dance. If it was a wedding, all of the arrangements would be written in this area, like special songs, price, ceremonial music, etc...
Article II.
All Out DJs has a flat rate of $55 per hour for both lights and sound, and $35 per hour for strictly ther sound equipment. A different cost can be settled upon if the customer would like a light mix o the two, or a certain amount of time with lights, anda certain amount of time without them.
Article III.
All Out DJs is in no way responsible for what goes on at their scheduled venues,
unless under immediate order to say or do something from a chaperone or the person(s) in charge.
Article IV.
The music that the disc jockeys play in no way reflects their inner beliefs and they
should be treated accordingly. The hirer(s) resumes the right to review what music is to be played at the
venue within twenty-four hours of the dance or party, no sooner.
Article V.
If a natural cause for a canceled dance or party occurs (i.e. thunder, hard rain,
lightning), then All Out DJs will not ask for any pay. If a dance or party is postponed because of weather, All Out DJs reserves the right to take 50% of their funds on the first scheduled day. The other 50%
will be collected after the dance or party transpires. If a family situation or other personal situation
happens to an employee of All Out DJs, the action the company will take will be enlightened upon the
hirer(s) from twenty-four to forty-eight hours in advance. If a dance or party is canceled because of the
lack of chaperones or a personal matter with the hirer(s), then All Out DJs reserves the right to take the
full pay check for the intended dance or party night/day.
Article V - II.
If the dance is postponed because of weather, then All Out DJs will take 50% of
the total cost on the intended night or day of the dance or party. A representative of both All Out DJs and
the hirer(s) must meet in the scheduled venue’s intended place where the dance would actually be to
accept the pay. All Out DJs must be informed within one week before the rescheduled dance date.
Article VI.
All Out DJs must have the area where the dance or party is going to take place
reserved for setting up for at least one hour and forty five minutes before the dance or party starts. They
will also need at least forty five minutes afterward for dismantling. All Out DJs also reserves the right to
have more than just employees helping them to set up. This will help All Out DJs set up in a quicker and
more efficient manner. If these people create a stir (i.e. rowdiness on the dance floor), All Out DJs will
personally have them removed from the building in which the gig took place. These people will not be let
onto the floor under any purposeful circumstances from All Out DJs.
Article VII.
All Out DJs reserves the right to amend any of the preceding articles or even add
new articles with fair warning (one to two weeks time) to any clients.